Gavin is working on getting better at going from sitting to his knees. He will probably be crawling soon.

Last week Monday, my mom and I went with a group form church to see the butterflies at Frederick Meijer Gardens

Gavin with a mohawk after his bath

Abbey eating her favorite lunch-a lunchable of ham, cheese and crackers

Gavin holding my Mountain Dew

Gavin and Abbey with their Luveys

Abbey and Gavin looking cool in their hats and sunglasses

Abbey was being Abbey and wanted her winter hat on even though it was 60 degrees outside.

Abbey wanted Gavin to wear her other hat-sad thing is-it fits Gavin's head better than Abbey's

Abbey and Jaydin

Gavin and Jaydin

We are trying to get Gavin to feed himself his bottle(he is a little stubborn)

Abbey and Gavin in the bath

Abbey holding Gavin-but really she just is trying to keep her train away from Gavin

He is a very happy boy and a lot of fun

Gavin was trying to get a drink from Matt's pop-everytime Matt would pull the cup away Gavin would reach for it again and put his mouth on the cup

A girl from my work gave me her daughter's old Backyardigans costume-Abbey loves to put in on and wear it around the house

Gavin eating his first Biter Biscuit-he loved it and was biting chunks off of it

Gavin in the bath before he was sitting up really good

Gavin was getting sleepy sitting on the couch next to Matt
Sorry for the delay in posting again-we were without internet for a couple of months and we finally got it back again. I hope that these pictures have caught you up on what has happened in our family in the past couple of months. Gavin is about to get his first tooth-which is early for my family. Abbey didn't get her first tooth until after her first birthday. Two of my sister's kids were the same way. So for Gavin to be getting a tooth at 8 months is nothing short of a miracle for us:) I hope you enjoy the pictures and I promise that now that we have the internet back, I will be more faithful with updating.
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