Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gavin is standing up by himself. He would get so excited that he would start waving his arms and fall over.

Abbey and Gavin both finally looking at the camera at the same time. It took about 6 tried before they both were looking.
Abbey and Gavin again

Abbey and Gavin hugging eachother.

Gavin climbed into the bottom of the shelf in the dining room this morning and was having a great time. He didn't like it too much when I pulled him out and blocked it off so he couldn't get back in there.

Gavin giving Abbey a nice kiss on the cheek.

Gavin trying to makeout with Abbey.

Gavin trying to climb on Abbey.

Gavin for church Sunday night for Jaydin's baptism. The hat didn't even make it out the door on his head as he figured out how to take it off.

Abbey for church Sunday night for Jaydin's baptism.

Abbey on Sunday morning for church. I curled her hair and it turned out really cute.

Abbey in her pool.

Abbey and Gavin in their pools(yes we have separate pools for the kids for a reason). Abbey's water was colder than Gavin's and she kept throwing water from her pool on Gavin and he would freak out because it was soo cold.

So Matt pulled out the kids pools on Friday to clean them out from being in the shed all fall and winter and Abbey freaked out that we weren't going to let her go in the pool and that Daddy was only cleaning them out. Needless to say, after dinner Matt put the kids in their pools after we spent a lot of time putting hot water in with the cold water so that they wouldn't freeze.

Gavin and all the toys

Gavin amongst all his toys and Abbey's clipos, which Abbey so nicely dumped out for him.

I cut Abbey's hair last week Tuesday as she twists her hair into knots and then pulls them out. So she had some really short pieces on the left side of her head and I evened the rest of her hair out and put layers in.

Abbey and Gavin were supposed to be looking at me but the TV was more interesting.

Abbey in whiny mode:) Couldn't resist taking a picture of her face

Abbey wanted to lay on the floor like Gavin because he had her book.

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