Abbey in the bath

Gavin in the bath

Abbey giving Gavin a kiss

Gavin is starting to pull himself across the floor to get places or if he gets tired of that, he rolls where he wants to go.

I'm trying to get Gavin to drink his bottle by himself as he would rather us feed him. He did pretty good with holding the bottle while my scarf was under it.

Gavin trying to give Abbey a kiss

Gavin pulling his normal face. He constantly says OOOO.

Abbey wanted a picture because I was taking one of Gavin

Gavin was having a great time pulling on Abbey's dress. It didn't make her very happy though:)

Abbey and Gavin together on the couch right before putting Gavin in his carseat

Gavin in his Easter clothes. He looked really pretty as Abbey kept saying. She didn't quite understand that boys aren't pretty-they're handsome.

Here is Abbey Easter Sunday morning for church. She was really excited to be able to wear her pretty flowergirl dress again.

I put curlers in Abbey's hair for Easter Sunday. Unfortunately, they didn't last the whole night in her hair. She wouldn't go to sleep because she wasn't used to them and kept saying that her head hurt.

Gavin just being really happy-which is quite normal unlike his sister

Gavin riding on the little car that Abbey got for her first birthday from my parents.

Gavin on the zebra by himself :)

Abbey and Gavin on the Bounce and Spin Zebra. I put Gavin on and Abbey had to be on it too as it is hers and she didn't like that Gavin was on it.
Okay so we have the computer back now. We ended up with a virus on the computer and couldn't use it for a few days and then had to bring it away for a couple of days to get fixed. But we are back and working great now. Hopefully, it stays this way. (I won't get my hopes up)
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