Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gavin Matthew

One happy little boy

Watching Dora with my big sister
He is an unusual baby-he loves to have his diaper changed. That is when we can ususually get him to smile the most.

Baptism was on September 14

Cousin Paige holding Gavin for the first time

Daddy, Abbey and Gavin

This is our favorite picture-he looks like he is praying.

Daddy, Mommy and Gavin

Abbey's first time seeing her little brother. She wasn't quite sure what to think but she didn't want to take him home:)

Gavin was born this summer on August 5. He is the first grandson on Matt's side of the family(there are 5 granddaughters). He has grown a lot since then and is now 3 months old.

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