Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Abbey Rose

Abbey had to try on her dress this week for the wedding which is on Friday the 7th of November. Abbey is in her "Aunt" Shari's wedding along with me(Kim) and she is very excited. We will have more pictures of the wedding next week.

Abbey sitting on our newly carpeted stairs. Now she is less likely to get hurt when she conveniently falls down them because she doesn't watch where she is going.

Abbey thinks that is it funny to put a pull-up on her head.

Matt gave Abbey a bath and spiked her hair:)

Trial run with the curlers for the wedding.

Here are some pics of Abbey-some are from her birthday this summer. She got the Dora birthday party that she wanted:) We had a slight accident the day of Abbey's birthday party. It involved Abbey's head, a swing, and Abbey's cousin Paige. Needless to say, Abbey liked having a Dora band-aid on her forehead. Matt put a swing up in the tree in our front yard for Abbey this summer as well. She absolutely loves it and still wants to go out and swing now when it is cold and rainy.