Sunday, November 30, 2008

This pic was on Thanksgiving Day, Abbey wanted her picture taken:)

One happy little boy(most days that is)

Abbey chillin' in her Dora chair

Gavin LOVES his bouncy seat

Nice, warm, and cozy in the snowsuit

Abbey playing in the leaves

Abbey thought that she needed to follow Matt while he was mowing the leaves up in the yard

Abbey, the day after the wedding

Abbey, the morning after the wedding

The wedding cake

Family picture at the wedding

Sorry for the delay in posting again, November has been a busy month. The wedding was the first week of the month and the week after that we started potty training Abbey and it has all gone downhill from there. I don't have many pictures from the wedding yet as I didn't remember to take my camera with when we went into downtown Grand Rapids to the Van Andel Museum to take pictures, but as soon as I get them from Shari's sister I will post some more pictures.

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