Thursday, August 20, 2009

Abbey's 3rd Birthday

Abbey's Birthday was on Sunday this year so we had both set of grandparents over after church at night and Abbey had her cousin Chloe come and spend the night too. We let Abbey open up 1 present before church in the morning as she was soooo excited that it was her birthday. :) She got a lot of Ponyville stuff from us.

Abbey waiting not so patiently for Daddy to get home from choir practice so that we could eat dinner.

Abbey got Dora Dominos from us as well.

Abbey opening her present from Uncle Jason, Aunt Jenny, Paige and Jaydin. A color wonder Tinkerbell set which she had colored completely within 3 days.

Abbey with her new book from Grandpa and Grandma Kuiper

The new puzzles from Grandpa and Grandma Kuiper.

Abbey got a beach Barbie and a Barbie pool from Grandpa and Grandma Terpstra, Uncle Thad, Uncle Kyle and Uncle Justin

Abbey got 2 new bathtowels from Uncle David, Auntie Amber, Chloe, Logan and Graeson

The birthday cake I made for the party. It was princess theme this year. Abbey wanted Dora again but I had enough Dora :)

Abbey with her cake

Blowing out the candle

Chloe and Abbey played with all of Abbey's new toys on the landing so that Gavin couldn't get at them because of the gate at the bottom of the stairs.

Towlel #1

Towel #2

Abbey and Chloe spent most of the day on Monday playing with the Ponyville and Barbie stuff on the landing

They decided to go up to the second landing as Gavin was trying to push the gate over to get at them on the first landing :)

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