Sunday, June 28, 2009

Swimming lessons and other pics

Abbey also likes to float under the diving board as well as water comes out of it too.

At the end of the lessons, the kids get to put their tubes back on and grab a toy and float around the pool for five minutes. Abbey's favorite thing to do is float over to the slide as their is a waterfall off the end of it.

Friday was dunk day-Here is Abbey under the water-she loved it and had no problem letting Kaitlyn dunk her all 3 times.

Abbey climbing out of the pool

Abbey jumping off the diving board to my cousin. She was the only one on Friday that didn't have to be thrown/pushed off the diving board to go in. My aunt helps out with the younger kids as Kaitlyn can't always leave the other kids alone while dealing with one of them who is giving her a hard time

My cousin Kaitlyn is the swimming instructor for the kids. Here she is holding Abbey as she swims to the side of the pool after jumping in.

Abbey and Leah waiting for Ethan to get out of the pool so that they can have their turn jumping in. Ethan and Leah have had a couple of rough days and a few tantrums but they survived the lessons-we shall see how this week goes.

Here they are doing the choo-choo train along the edge of the pool. Abbey is a little slower than the other two so she gets to lead the train to keep them all together. She has gotten faster as the week went on.

Here are the kids in their tubes and kicking their legs to get back and forth across the pool.

Abbey started swimming lessons this past Monday. She is taking them at my aunt's pool with Ethan Deemter and Leah Bleyenburg. Here are Abbey and Ethan sitting on the side of the pool waiting for their lessons to start.

Here they cooperated a little better:)

The kids were supposed to be looking at me but Abbey was interested in the commercial on TV and Gavin was intent on absolutely nothing on the floor

Abbey and Gavin sitting on the floor

Abbey thinks that she is being nice by holding up Gavin-she is really choking him and didn't know it

Abbey got a bike a couple of weeks ago and we got her a helmet and elbow pads as well-here she is showing them off for me-the helmet makes her head look even smaller:)

The kids on a Sunday morning before church(you can see who is ready first)

I told Abbey to give me a pretty smile and not a goofy smile-this is what I got

Gavin in the highchair drinking his juice

Abbey showing off how cool she is in Mommy's Tigers hat

We put Gavin to bed one night and when we checked in on him a little later, we found him sleeping on ALL his blankets in his bed(even the ones that were hanging on the crib)

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