Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So I decided that I would post a comparison pic between Abbey and Gavin at about 5 months so you can see the difference between the two.

Here is Gavin at 5 months in the highchair
Here is Abbey in the highchair at 5 months-she was definitely bigger than Gavin is-she had a lot bigger face

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finally Posting again

Gavin wearing Abbey's sunglasses-cool dude:)

Gavin and Abbey laying on the floor

Gavin is so close to rolling from his back to his stomach-he just has to figure out how to get his arm out from under him

One incredibly happy boy with spikey hair

Abbey got a Ponyville set from Great Grandma Kuiper

Gavin got a musical whale from Great Grandma Kuiper

Abbey got a princess purse with sunglasses, phone and pretend makeup from my sister for Christmas

Gavin with his stocking on Christmas morning

Abbey with her stocking on Christmas morning

Gavin with his present from Grandpa and Grandma K

Abbey with her Clipos from Grandpa and Grandma K

Abbey and Paige opening their presents from Grandpa and Grandma K

Gavin got some trucks from my Grandma Klamer

Abbey got a new baby and accessories from my Grandma Klamer-notice the nice wet sleeve on her shirt-Daddy was supposed to be watching her as Mommy was feeding Gavin but he was playing basketball instead with the boys-Abbey was playing in the drinking fountain for a good 15 minutes or so.

Here are the kids again in the Sunday clothes-this time Abbey is in her new dress.

Tired little boy

Happy boy in his bouncy seat

Abbey just being herself(a little weird)-she must take after her Daddy:)

Abbey got Mater for Christmas as well as Lightning McQueen, Sally and Doc Hudson. She carries them all around with her and asks to watch Cars almost everyday.

Abbey after she opened Mater and her Dora nightlight

Gavin with his new Lovey

The kids before church-notice they are both ready-we were waiting for Daddy to get ready for church as Mommy and both kids were ready(this is a normal Sunday morning for us). We usually have to wait for Matt to get ready so we can leave.

Abbey with her new puzzle that she got for Christmas

Gavin in his saucer

Gavin with his new toy

Gavin in the highchair waiting for his cereal:)

Playing in the snow for the first time-Abbey had a hard time walking in her boots for the first time:)

Sorry about the major delay in posting again-I'm not doing so good with this:) I will try to make up for it with this blog and catch you up with what has been going on this us in the past month or so. We have been very busy with Christmas parties and being sick-Matt had the flu New Years Eve, Day and the day after and both kids had nasty colds at the same time as well. I was very busy with wiping noses and making sure Matt was okay. Thankfully, the kids and I did not get the flu as well. It went around the Kuiper Christmas party at the end of December.